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Top Male Fashion Risks: Bandanas

The bandana was invented by Rosie the Riveter during WW2 when she became the poster child for American resilience. It was later popularized by Bruce Springsteen when he put it in his back pocket on the cover of that one album. After that, the bandana was on the outs until it was saved by Covid-19. At the beginning, no one had a mask, but everyone had their bandanas stored away in the back of their sock drawer. Now that the pandemic is basically over, don't trash it just yet. Below are the coolest ways to rock a bandana.

One cool way to wear the bandana is folded up and tied around your head like a sweatband.

Pros: This method helps cover that receding hairline and lets people know that at any time, you're ready to break into a sweat.

Cons: This method does run the risk of having you look like the oldest and saddest counselor at your local day camp.

The next cool way to wear a bandana is to slide it right down from your forehead to around your neck.

Pros: I think that this is a very Gen Z look so if you don't want to get roasted on the internet, this is the way to go. It's a nice accessory to add in some much needed color and pizazz!

Con: If you're reading this now, it's already too late. Your friends who care about what they look like are already in on this trend and the only thing worse than showing up looking like a piece of shit is showing up as the 3rd bandana guy in your group. The rest of the world won't know you were late, but you will.

One group that was an early adopter of the bandana were the cowboys, the pioneers of the American west. Cowboy style is not just clinging to 3 Super Bowls in the 90's, it can also be a cool way to style your new bandana.

Pros: If you have been looking for a way to get rid of your double chin and haven't taken the plunge into the world of mastic gum, then this is for you. Tie it tight around the chin and go out feeling confident and cool.

Cons: The cowboys are extinct and there is not proof that this style of bandana didn't have anything to do with it. Also, you're gonna look like someone who takes burning man way too seriously.

If you're truly looking for an accessory, the best way to wear the bandana is tying it around your bicep or wrist.

Pros: Friendship bracelets and livstrong bands are soooo out of season, but I know you don't want to have those skinny wrists on display. Add some girth by making a bandana bracelet. If you tie it around your bicep, it'll draw attention to the only muscle group that you work on a regular basis and you can garner compliments from all your hard work in the gym.

Cons: Don't tie a red bandana around your bicep. Your gonna associate yourself with some people that aren't the best people to be associated with and not only do you run the risk of a fashion faux pa, but you put yourself at risk to be hashtag cancelled.

Now that you've read the pros and cons of all of these new and innovative ways to rock the fashion bandana, you can walk down the metaphorical runway armed with the insights of a fashion expert.

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